Wednesday, June 17, 2009

7 1/2

The easist habit for me is beginning with the end in mind. I always start out strong and believe that I can do it but lose confidence as the learning continues. The hardest one for me is obviously having confidence to finish the task at hand. I am very excited about learning the newest technologies for myself as well as my co-workers and students. Looking forward to these 23 things.


  1. Good luck and remember to have fun!!

  2. as you post things, be sure to include the # of the Thing as part of the post you are writing.

    Also if you go back to Yahoo avatars and save it as a picture ( jpg file) then you can save it using a picture gadget...and it will show...the html versions have problems!

  3. Stephanie...welcome to the wonderful world of 2.0....I'll keep up with you as you go....give me a call if you have a
